Change your life with mindset coaching
Change Coaching For Your Life and Career Success
Gain the Belief that You CAN Succeed and the Knowledge of HOW to Succeed

Are you feeling stuck or trapped? Are you frustrated in your life? Are you looking to make a change in your personal or work life but just feel overwhelmed? Imagine if you could go from feeling stuck or overwhelmed, to seeing a clear path to the future that you want? I work with people who are looking to make changes in their life and who are going through big life events such as divorce, redundancy, loss of purpose or exiting a successful business or career.Making change in your life can feel scary. Even if you want to make changes, there will be many things that hold you back from stepping out into that future that you dream of. Maybe you doubt your own abilities. Perhaps you are worried what other people will think. Perhaps you lack the know how to bring about this change.


These are frictions that will hold you back. If you are stuck in a career that you no longer love. If you are in a relationship that is no good for you. If you want to do something more meaningful with your life. or if you want to step back from the business that you built to enjoy the rewards of your work. Unless you remove these frictions you will stay being trapped, unhappy and unfulfilled. 

Combining 20 years experience of coaching people through change and my skills as a Therapist I help you reduce or remove those frictions and step confidently forward.


1. I give you the belief that what you want is available to you and make your desire to go forward stronger than the fears that hold you back.


2. I work with you to show you the steps that you need to cross that Bridge from where you are to where you want to be.


3. I give you the support to work through the difficult decisions and create solutions wherever you may see problems.


I can help you because I have been on this journey. I have experienced all of those life events. I have been in a career where I was very successful but desperately unhappy. I wanted more from my life but didn’t know how to get it. After many years of struggle, I found my way to make those changes. I made many mistakes on the way. Now I work with others who want to make changes without the mistakes and setbacks that I experienced. 


What I learned is that if you are successful in a life that you do not enjoy, imagine how successful and happy you can be doing what gives you joy and what makes use of your passions and skills. 


I believe that you have a choice in life. You can choose to continue to live in fear and feel stuck or unhappy in your life. In this state of fear, nothing will ever change because the fear will win.

Or, you can choose to live in possibility. When you live in possibility you believe that you can have what you want. You see solutions to every problem. You create the momentum to overcome those frictions. Life feels a whole lot better when you choose to live in possibility.


Using my experience and my unique coaching methodology I can give you the belief to succeed, the know how to move forward and the support to see you through the challenges that you will face on your journey.


If you would like to explore how we could work together to make your dreams a reality book a  free call with me now using the button below.

What My Clients Say about BOOST Change Coaching

As I look back on the last few years of my life, which have also been some of the hardest, much of the enormous progress that I’ve made goes back to those  meetings with Jonathan. My trust in him made it natural to turn to Jonathan and his BOOST Coaching Program. Now I knew where I wanted to go I needed the know how, support and belief to make this huge transformation in my life.


Over the course of 8 weeks, having firstly undertaken RTT Sessions with Jonathan to build my self-belief, Jonathan helped me develop a plan to realise my goals with progressive, actionable items. He helped me flesh out every aspect of the business that I wanted to create and best of all, he helped me develop the confidence to work towards it. One of the big first steps in that plan was to pursue the specialist knowledge that I was lacking. I’m now a short time away from completing that degree and the knowledge it has provided is invaluable. Combining that with the plan we created using BOOST, I’m confident that I will achieve my dreams. And really, isn’t that what life is all about?”


Kyle. Salt Lake City. Finance Director who is now pursuing his dreams in the Music Business.